Competitive Matching Grant Fund
The competitive Matching Grant Fund (MGF) is designed to maximize outreach across countries and value chains, foster excellence, and ownership. We aim to mobilize additional resources for implementation through introducing and scaling this innovative financial instrument (MGF) that facilitates private investments and promotes the transformation of smallholder agribusinesses. The MGF will support the upgrading of our targeted value chains for competitiveness and resilience with regard to climate change and markets. It includes a readiness programme to accompany potential applicants throughout the process.
We will publish 2 calls for proposals on this website (under Funding) where you as a potential partner within a consortia can submit your concept notes for assessment. The best consortia will be taken under contract. During the implementation, we will advise on the adaptation and implementation of tried-and-tested agribusiness training approaches, connect you to the established (master) trainer networks and provide further tools and approaches already developed.
The MGF offers you the following benefits:
- Unbureaucratic and easy application process coupled with lower-than-usual entry barriers
- Dedicated Readiness Program to guide you during the application and implementation process
- Technical assistance and advisory on tried-and-tested (face-to-face and online) training topics and approaches
- Opportunities for South-South exchanges with stakeholders from ACP countries
- Financial industry network for future (commercial) funding opportunities
Please find information on our MGF partners and the funded projects below sorted by region (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific).
Lead partner
Royal Agro
Project title
Forage Feed Production (FFP)
Consortium partner
Overall objective
Improved access to fodder seeds, grass silage and legume hay bales with high nutritional value for ruminant breeding, especially to farmers that are concentrated in peri-urban areas due to security and terrorism issues. [MLJGG1] Increasing the productivity and yield of animal fattening and milk production.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women and 50% youth; Overall target outreach: 810 people
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Climate change, business development, good agricultural practices, increase productivity/efficiency of production
Link to website
Lead partner
Global Development Invest and Partners (GDI & Partners)
Project title
Integrated Maize Value Chain Development Project
Consortium partner
Overall objective
Fostering economic development in the provinces of Ziro and Sissili. Improve maize cultivation by combining it with agroforestry/intercropping of mango or cashew trees and keeping sheep and goats. Reduce aflatoxin through better post-harvest management.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women and 70% youth; Target outreach: 1000
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Climate change, business development, Gender, Youth, Contracts and Partnerships
Lead partner
Simplified Cooperative Society of the Butchers of the Diébougou Community (SCOOPS-BCD)
Project title
Sustainable intensification of production and sustainable development of production capacities in the livestock value chain in the Diébougou commune in the South-West region
Consortium partner
Etablissement Ouedraogo Moussa Et Freres (EOMF)
Overall objective
Capacity development of sustainable production in the livestock value chain. Increasing the availability of quality enriched feed for cattle fattening. Professionalization of cooperative members. Increase income of producer organisation and their members.
Target group
Smallholder farmers, 50% women, 50% youth. Target outreach: 100
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Knowledge and skills, Climate change and business development
Lead partner
Walde Kossam Adamawa
Project title
Savane AgriVerte
Consortium partner
Savana Islamic Finance, Cooperative des Producteurs de Kossam
Overall objective
Strengthening the integrated “local milk” value chain, which ranges from the production of fresh milk on farms to marketing, industrial processing and animal feed production, with a focus on maize. Train agro-pastoral farmers in climate-resistant production. Implementation includes contract farming and (pre-)financing services.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 55% youth; Target outreach: 2,100
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Partnership and contracts, best practices, business development
Lead partner
Ecotrading Sarl
Project title
Boosting contract production in terms of quality and quantity of maize through cooperatives and organisations of women and young producers
Consortium partners
The cooperative society with board of directors of operators of non-wood forest products of the NTFP center coop-ca center and Commune d'endom
Overall objective
Strengthening the technical and managerial capacities of cooperatives for the benefit of their members for sustainable maize production. Increasing farmers’ income from maize cultivation and introducing agroecological practices. Partnering with women’s cooperative in the development of agroforestry.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 60% youth; Target outreach: 1000
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Gender, Knowledge and skill development, climate change and business development
Link to website
Lead partner
Project, title
Maize Fields, Carbon Yields: Biochar-Based Carbon Sequestration in Maize Farming for Sustainable Food Security among Smallholder Farmers
Consortium partner
Societe a Responsabilité Limité
Overall objective
Introduced a new climate resilient business case for maize farming and processing agripreneurs to begin generating additional income and climate benefits from the available waste biomass.
Target group
Maize growers and Agripreneurs; 60% women, 80% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Skills and development, climate change
Link to website
Lead partner
Project title
Sustainable cocoa for peace and biodiversity in North Kivu
Consortium partner
Virunga National Park
Overall objective
Capacity development on regenerative agronomic production and Cooperative Business School. Reforesting land with multi-use species (CO2 sequestered, income generating activities created). Smallholder households benefit from income diversification.
Target group
Smallholder farmers, 20% women, 30% youth; Target outreach: 3,000
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Climate change, youth, gender equality and soil fertility
Link to website
Lead partner
Kukobila Nasia Farms Ltd (KNF)
Project title
Enhancing Maize and Livestock Value Chains for Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods
Consortium partner
Eagle Park Innovations Ltd, CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute.
Overall objective
Contribute to climate resilience through adaptation measures, reduced emissions, carbon sequestration, and sustainable farming practices, introducing resilient forage crops, scientific breeding protocols, and environmentally friendly practices.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 50% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Partnership, innovation, climate change, business development
Lead Partner
Global Farming In Africa (FIA)
Project title
Community Livestock Enhancement Center (CLEC) Initiative
Consortium partners
FIA AgroVentures, FIAKare, Semanhyia Farms
Overall objective
Inclusively provided farmers with the skills and resources needed to improve the value and quality of their animals via the establishment of livestock enhancement centres.
Target group
70% women, 30% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, certification, and climate change
Link to website
Lead Partner
Njabini Wool
Project title
Guardians of Grasslands: Protecting Biodiversity Through Sustainable Sheep Grazing
Consortium partners
Friends of Kinangop Plateau (FoKP), Natural Africa Concern (NAC), Green Fusion Limited
Overall objective
Strengthened sheep value chain, ensuring economic viability, environmental sustainability, and social inclusivity in Nyandarua, Kenya.
Target group
65% women, 35% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, certification, business development and gender equality
Link to website
Lead Partner
Meatco NCA Ltd
Project title
Strengthening Climate Resilience of Livestock Value Chain and Sustainable Fodder Production in Namibia
Consortium partners
GIZ – Farming for Resilience, Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU), Ministry of Agriculture Water and Land Reform (MAWLR)
Overall objective
Enhanced the resilience and sustainability of livestock value chains through the implementation of climate-smart practices, sustainable fodder production, and capacity development, while addressing climate change through adaptation and mitigation measures.
Target group
50% women, 50% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, climate change, business development and gender equality
Link to website
Lead Partner
L&Z Integrated Farms Nigeria Limited
Project title
Green Harvest Initiative: Cultivating Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods in Northern Nigeria through Fodder Revolution
Consortium partners
Nigeria Agribusiness Group (NABG), Commercial Dairy Ranchers Association of Nigeria (CODARAN)
Overall objective
Increased fodder availability, specifically focusing on its benefits to the cattle value chain, the operating environment, and climate change mitigation in Jigawa and Kano States of Nigeria.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; women and youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, certification, business development and gender equality
Link to website
Lead Partner
Le Lionceau
Project title
Enhancing the maize value chain through African Indigenous Species agroforestry and highly nutritional infant flours.
Overall objective
Strengthening food sovereignty. A transition towards agroforestry with non-timber forest products. Creation of job and economic development. Empowerment of local actors, especially women’s groups. Raising awareness for child nutrition and education.
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Gender, climate change and business development, innovation
Link to website
Lead Partner
Agro Beydaaré Sénégal
Project title
Project to support the promotion of the Maize value chain in the South-East Regions of Senegal (PPCVMS)
Consortium partner
La Coopérative Rurale pour le Développement Inclusif de Missarah, Entreprise Agricole Sociale et Solidaire les Mines Vertes
Overall objective
Empowered maize producers and improved their income. Established processing businesses for organic charcoal (biochar) and fertilizer and promoted biodigesters.
Target group
Smallholder farmers, 50% women, 50% youth Target outreach: 70
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Innovation, knowledge and skill development, climate change and business development
Lead Partner
African Plantations Kilimanjaro LTD
Project title
Kilimanjaro Maize Prosperity Initiative
Consortium partner
Seed Co Tanzania Limited (SeedCo)
Overall objective
Enhanced climate resilience and food security in Africa by implementing a scalable model that promotes sustainability and productivity in the maize value chain.
Target group
50% women
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Partnership, climate change and business development
Link to website
Lead Partner
Vonkavy Agro Company Limited
Project title
Strengthen Maize Supply Chain for Quality Poultry Feed
Consortium partner
SAGCOT – Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania, MAKI Enterprises
Overall objective
Strengthened maize supply chain of Vonkavy through integrating 2,000 smallholder maize farmers into an inclusive consortium involving Vonkavy, farmer business organisations (FBOs), Inputs Dealers and other critical actors.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women and 50% youth. Target outreach: 2,000
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Mechanisation, certification, climate change and partnership
Link to website
Lead Partner
MOUAfrica Company Limited
Project title
Regenerative Maize Production and Marketing (REMAPROMA)
Consortium partner
International Tanfeed Limited, Zinduka Farmers’ Cooperative
Overall objective
Established an inclusive and sustainable business relationship between MOUAfrica company and 3,500 maize smallholder farmers (SHFs) in Morogoro region, which will guarantee the supply of high-quality maize, at a very competitive price to consumers around the country.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 50% youth. Target outreach: 3,500
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Partnership, certification, climate change and mechanisation
Lead Partner
Nyangureta Farm Company Limited
Project title
Sustainable Livestock Keeping (SULIKE) Project
Consortium partner
4 Brothers & Sisters Company Limited
Overall objective
Contributed to inclusive economic growth, foster private sector growth and job creation in the Livestock sector in Mwanza and Simiyu Regions of Tanzania.
Target group
Smallholder livestock farmers, 50% women and 50% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Climate change, business development and certification
Lead Partner
Soleil et Pingouin SARL U
Project title
Valorisation of cocoa pods in ash water for the manufacture of natural cosmetics in Togo
Overall objective
Solving the environmental problems associated with abandoned cocoa pods and improving the lives of women and young people.
Target group
150 women of which 60% fall in the category of youth, i.e. 18 to 35 years
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Climate change, youth development, gender equality, strengthening of cooperatives, partnerships, and digitalization
Link to website
Lead Partner
Gold Food Africa
Project title
Strengthening the productive capacity and resilience of the maize and maize flour value chain
Consortium partner
Union des Pôle Economique Agricole (UPEA)
Overall objective
Creating jobs for young people and women and fostering the financial independence of maize producers. Improve incomes and jobs at producer and processor level. Reduce the carbon footprint of the maize value chain by adopting agroecological practices.
Target group
Smallholder farmers, 54% women, 58% youth, target outreach: 4,000
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Gender equality, youth development, climate change and business development
Link to website
Lead Partner
Project title
Strengthening the aflatoxin management capacity of SITRAPAT and its network of maize suppliers
Consortium partner
Collective of corn supply groups
Overall objective
Maintain business relations and improve the positioning of products marketed by SITRAPAT SA, by controlling aflatoxin management in the supply and processing chain.
Target group
500 members of 20 producer groups, 50% women (250), 50% youth (250).
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, climate change, partnerships, skills development, gender equality
Link to website
Lead Partner
Ag-Ploutos Company
Project title
Enhancing Agro-Pastoralists' Income through Inclusive Climate-Resilient Innovations in Maize and Cattle Value Chains across Moroto, Amudat, and Napak Districts in the Karamoja Region by 2026
Consortium partner
Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO)
Overall objective
Adopted inclusive market-driven, climate-smart innovations to improve the livelihoods of 2,500 agropastoral farmers in the Karamoja region, specifically in Amudat, Napak, and Moroto districts.
Target group
50% women, 50% youth. Target outreach: 2,500.
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, climate change, partnership and gender
Link to website
Lead Partner
Project title
Building resilient maize value chain for inclusive and sustainable livelihood in northern Uganda
Consortium partner
Equator Commodities Impex
Overall objective
Built an inclusive sustainable maize value chain for 10,000 smallholder farmers (60% women & youth) through increased productivity and incomes while enhancing environmental protection.
Target group
50% women, 50% youth. Target outreach: 10,000.
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, climate change, skills development, partnership, business development and gender
Link to website
Lead Partner
Mababe Milling Corporations Limited
Project title
Enhancing Maize Productivity and Income through Sustainable Production Systems to Foster Climate Resilience Among Smallholder Farmers
Consortium partner
Newlife Farmers Limited
Overall objective
To enhance the resilience and sustainability of agricultural business entities in Zambia, specifically in agriculture, processing, and service provision.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 50% youth
24 months, start in 2024
Cross-cutting topics
Youth development, climate change, business development and gender
Lead Partner
Mwai Wathu General Trading Limited
Project title
Maize Production and Aggregation
Consortium partner
Msoro Multi-purpose Co-operative
Overall objective
Attained sustainable farmers' productivity and financial stability.
Target group
Smallholder farmers; 50% women, 50% youth, producer organisations.
24 months, start in 2024
Icons cross-cutting topics
Climate change, knowledge and skills and certification
Lead Partner
Project title
Strengthening the Purchasing Power and Climate Resilience of the Cocoa Value Chain
Consortium partner
Bloque de Asociaciones de Cacaocultores Juan Sánchez Ramírez (CAJUAREZ, S.R.L), Asociación Bananos Ecológicos de la Línea Noroeste BANELINO, Cotuí Chamber of Commerce, Universidad tecnológica del Cibao Oriental UTECO, Institute of Development and Cooperative Credit IDECOOP
Overall objective
Improving the productivity of its members plot through the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to boosting the livelihoods of local families and economy and becoming a model for the sector.
Target group
At least 90 farmers, 90 suppliers and 60 cooperatives (50% women, 50% youth)
24 months, start in 2024
Icons cross-cutting topics
Climate change, strengthening APOs, knowledge and skills development, business improvement
Lead Partner
Coordinadora Nacional de cacaocultores dominicanos (CONACADO)
Project title
Diversified Cocoa Productivity and Quality
Consortium partner
CONACADO AGROINDUSTRIA, Regional Norcentral y Nordeste
Overall objective
Tackle the effects of climate change, reduce emissions, and capture more carbon by renewing cocoa farms under agroforestry systems. CONACADO has always sought to improve the quality of life of producers.
Target group
50 producers will benefit directly and 200 indirectly, including 20% young people and 30% women
24 months, start in 2024
Icons cross-cutting topics
Certification, climate change, establishing partnership, and business improvement
Link to website
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ABF / GIZ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
The Joint Action is jointly co-financed by the European Union under the Samoa agreement with OACPS and by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.