A recap of the 1st Master Trainer Network Conference: Agribusiness is my learning journey
Events & Cooperation, Trainings

Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 September. The 1st Master Trainer Network Conference “Agribusiness is my learning journey” was concluded after successful 1.5 weeks of joint learning, exchanging, discussing, preparing, and receiving various inputs that support the ABF Master Trainers and Coordinators in fulfilling their daily tasks. ABF managed to welcome 45 ABF Master Trainers from 15 different countries – also visualized in the pictures. Up to 40 Master Trainers used the option to participate online in the various exchange and learning sessions.
This first Master Trainer Network Conference served, among others, to start the process of founding an International Agribusiness Practitioners Association. Seven specialized working groups were already created focusing on vision and mission, legal aspects, admin and finances, copyright, business plan, internal structure, and Master Trainer careers. The latter working group is also looking at ways to establish Master Trainers in Caribbean and Pacific states.
To further develop the content of the agribusiness trainings, 3 task forces were founded on the topics of gender, inclusion, and harmonization. Each country also selected one focal point as representative.
In addition, an interim Steering Committee for the transitions phase of establishing the international Agribusiness Trainer Association was nominated. The Steering Committee is represented by two Master Trainers per region. For now, those regions are East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and South Africa. For the future, the association wants to work on representing and integrating Caribbean and Pacific states, as well as North Africa, into the Steering Committee, too.
The launch of ABF4VC’s Matching Grant Fund for the cocoa, maize, and livestock value chains coincided with the Master Trainer Network Conference, which inspired even more discussion and exchange among the trainers, especially about the covered value chains regarding policy dialogue and respective contact points within the value chains.
In the name of the Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains (ABF4VC), we want to thank the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD for hosting the Conference in South Africa, and our donors German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union (EU), and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) for contributing to the success of the 1st Master Trainer Network Conference.
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