ABF launches new e-learning course: "Value Chains in a Nutshell"

The Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF) is excited to announce that the “Value Chains in a Nutshell” online course is now available in English as part of the Agribusiness e-Academy on atingi.
This free self-paced and self-tutored course is designed to empower extension officers, teachers, trainers, ministry staff, and agripreneurs with essential knowledge and skills to enhance the value chains they are working in.
The course features the following elements:
Understanding Business Linkages: Gain insights into how your agribusiness connects with various markets through a network of enterprises, service providers, buyers, and consumers.
Enhancing Product Value: Learn about strategies to add value to agricultural products at every stage - from production to processing, transport, packaging, and reaching the end market.
Identifying Opportunities: Discover critical business opportunities, (climate smart) value chain upgrading options and effective strategies to strengthen business relationships and boost your profits in a sustainable way.
The French version of the course will be launched very soon as well, making this content accessible to even more stakeholders in the agricultural ecosystem. All French courses can be found on the dedicated Agribusiness e-Academy page.
Interested learners can enrol in the "Value Chains in a Nutshell” course at any time! Feedback and questions can be addressed to abf-eacademy@giz.de.
The GIZ project Agri-Business Facility for Africa (ABF), which together with GIZ, MOVE-ComCashew, is implementing the Joint Action 'Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains,' is an initiative jointly co-financed by the European Union under the Samoa agreement with OACPS and by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.