Final Call for Concept Notes

Cashew, Cocoa, Maize, Livestock


Are you working in the cashew, cocoa, maize, or livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) sectors in a member state of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific states? Are you from the private sector, with a high interest in resilience, competitiveness, or direct supply linkages with off-takers for sustainability?

Do you have an innovative idea that makes the above-mentioned value chains less fragmented, more inclusive, particularly for women and youth, sustainable, and profitable? This also includes innovations for by-products of the sectors.

Then this is a unique opportunity for you to realize your goal!

Matching Grant Fund (MGF)

By applying for this MGF, you can obtain funding to realize your project idea in the named value chains!

For all MGF projects, the maximal contribution channeled via ABF will account for up to 50% of the total project budget. This contribution can go up to 100,000€.


The following video explains the most important things about our MGF:

Matching Grant Fund

Who can apply?


We strongly encourage applications from applicants who apply in a consortium and will only in exceptional cases consider single applicant applications.

Lead applicants are are legally registered private sector entities such as:

  • Processing company
  • Agricultural producer/Farmer's organization
  • National or international retailer companies


As consortium partners:

  • Private sector foundations
  • Qualified NGOs
  • Training or research institutions or extension agencies

When & how to apply?

Mandatory documents to fill and send back to between 08th July 2024 and 18th August 2024, 12:00 pm (noon) GMT:

  • Concept note template (Annex 1)
  • Letter of intent template (Annex 2)
  • Proof of legal registration of the lead applicant

In addition, we encourage taking a look at the Excel file “Annex 4 Working aid budget and contributions”. Please use Annex 3 as a guideline how to fill the budget table/sheet.

Please find the application documents above in our download section.

We have already had a first call and selected some partners. All OACPS member states are eligible to apply for the matching grant fund. However, in the interest of regional balance, during this call, priority will be given to projects originating from countries with no or few projects from our previous calls. Please find an overview of the countries and the numbers of selected projects within those countries in the download section and here.

If you have any questions, please read our FAQ below or feel free to send us your unanswered questions via


Application: documents for application

Watch recorded webinars here:

08 July 2024: Official launch

09 July 2024: Application process

10 July 2024: Human Capacity Development (face-to-face and e-learning)

12 July 2024: Contract formats & Finances

16 July 2024: Gender

18 July 2024: Climate

11 julio 2024: Webinario Español

11 julho 2024: Sessão de informação em português

Webinar presentations can be downloaded below.

Informational purposes: Readiness programme documents

Competitive “Matching Grant Fund” (MGF) mechanism


1. Readiness Programme & Call for Concept Notes (Pre-qualification)

Online-based introduction and support during the application stage starting with the call for concept notes on 08th July 2024.


2. Final submission of Call for Concept Notes

The deadline for submission of your concept note is 18th August, 12pm (noon) GMT.


3. Assessment of Concept Notes

Once received, an independent and international expert committee will assess and evaluate all concept notes.


4. Full proposal development & in-depth Readiness Programme

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to develop a full technical proposal and budget. This will be closely supported by the ABF team.


5. Proposal evaluation and decision

The final proposals will be evaluated and a decision on who is granted the funds will be taken.


6. Contracting

Contracts will be prepared by GIZ using tried-and-tested partnership agreement formats.


7. Implementation

Now the implementation of your project can start. This entails reporting to ABF as well as supervision and support from ABF.



Example project for the MGF - Diversification in the cocoa value chain

Example project for the MGF - Diversification in the cocoa value chain


General questions

What is the ABF MGF about?

The overall objective of the Matching Grant Fund is to leverage contributions from partners for the implementation of specific interventions towards the development of the cashew, cocoa, maize, and livestock (cattle, sheep, and goats) value chains and build ownership to drive sustainable growth in the respective sectors, strengthen private sector development, and improve the productivity and profitability of stakeholders in all 79 OACPS member states for cashew, cocoa, maize, cattle, sheep, and goats VCs.

Value Chain Cashew:

Value Chains Cocoa, Maize, and Livestock (cattle, sheep, and goats):

Where can I find the presentation from the launch events and the webinars?

You can find the presentations in the download section right above this FAQ section.  

Can the recording from the webinars (presentations) be shared with the participants?

Please find the link to the recordings of the webinars directly below the download area for the application documents. You will be forwarded to watch it on YouTube.

Where do I find the application documents, such as the concept note template (Annex 1)?

They can be downloaded from the Download section above “Downloads - Application: Documents to fill for your application".

Is it possible to have a one-on-one session during the application process?

This is not possible, but we have many detailed guidelines which you can download from this website. Otherwise, you can always ask a question via mail. However, this question will be posted on our website here in this FAQ section in an anonymized way. Pre-selected concept notes can receive face-to-face support on demand for the development of full proposals.

Is it possible to send clarifications questions during the application procedure?

Yes, it will be to - responses will be posted anonymously to FAQ.

How is the gender component considered in the MGF selection process? And what do you understand under resilience to climate change?

Please have a look at the handout for gender transformative approaches and climate smart agriculture (download section directly above this FAQ). In addition, we want to reach 50% women with the projects.

What is the possibility of being picked for the MGF? How much funding is available in total and for each country, each project? Is there a distribution key between value chains and between different countries?

All OACPS member states are eligible to apply for the Matching Grant Fund (MGF). However, in the interest of regional balance, during this call, priority will be given to projects originating from countries with no or few projects from our previous calls. A list of countries and number of projects is published on the respective website. Under the MGF, ABF will support a total of 65 projects in the cocoa, maize, and livestock value chains.

The maximum participation of ABF to each project amounts to 50% of the total, with a minimum participation of 40,000 EUR and a maximum participation of 100,000 EUR.

How many projects will be selected for this call?

The GIZ contribution varies from a minimum of 40,000 Euro to 100,000 Euro for each project. Depending on the amount of subsidy the project will have to pay out, the number may be increased or reduced.

We anticipate 15 projects for cashew and around 20 projects for other value chains (cocoa, maize, cattle, sheep or goats).

In previous calls, we financed around 71 projects in 20 countries. The breakdown can be checked on our website.

Is the MGF also aimed at emerging projects, or only at supporting existing projects?

Both formats are eligible, but must be justified.

Does the Matching Grant Fund (MGF) assist with finding the market for the agricultural produce it would have funded?

To be eligible the applicant should have business experience in the targeted value chain. Nevertheless, there is a market facilitation Unit in ABF dedicated to advisory services on market access if you become ABF partners.

Access to EU markets and exports to the EU can be a challenge. Is it also possible to focus on sub-regional markets?

Access to EU markets may be difficult, and other markets may be more interesting. Exporting to sub-regional markets is encouraged. For those applicants already working with the EU and/or needing support, for example with new legislation such as on deforestation, can get support.

What will be the project duration? How many months has the project for execution?

Up to 18 months.

Which annexes and documents do we need to fill and submit to ABF?

Annex 1. Filled and signed concept note template

Annex 2. Letter of intent template filled and signed by all consortium partners

Proof of legal registration (please attach evidence of legal form and registration in accordance with the legal provisions that apply in the country in which the private entity is based)

All three documents to be filled and sent to our e-mail (

In a context where a promoter has commercial relations with producers who are in an insecure zone, I would like to know to what extent he could register producers who are in these zones?

It should be noted that GIZ categorizes countries that are labeled at risk, and assists projects that have activities in these zones. We carry out an analysis to determine the feasibility of activities.

Can we see which projects have been already selected? In terms of innovative ideas?

There are some examples on the website.

How many projects can you apply for?

There is no limit to the number of projects you can apply for, but you should take into account your ability to come up with relevant and convincing project ideas to increase your chances.


Country and VC specific questions

Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Cameroon are not covered in the cocoa value chain, can these countries still apply for other value chains?

Yes. Ghana, Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire are eligible for the fund, but not for the cocoa value chain. The cocoa value chain is already covered by the Sustainable Cocoa Initiative in Ghana, Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire. Projects concerning the maize and livestock value chains may be proposed.

Entities from these countries can however also support farmers in the cocoa value chain in other countries.

Can you clarify more on the eligibility for countries?

All OACPS member states are eligible to apply for the Matching Grant Fund for the value chains: cashew, cocoa, maize and livestock (cattle, sheep and goat). However, in the interest of regional balance, during this call, priority will be given to projects originating from countries with no or few projects from our previous calls. Please find an overview of the countries and the numbers of selected projects within those countries in the download section and here.

Why are only the cocoa, maize, and livestock value chains eligible? Why not e.g. pigs or macadamia?

The value chains have been preselected on an analytical basis by OACPS and EU. Nevertheless, the whole framework programme covers 11 value chains, our project only covers 3 (livestock counting as one). Please note that other value chains are covered via different projects as well while ours focuses on the named value chains cocoa, maize, cattle, sheep, and goats.

Is an application for the Cashew value chain also eligible?

For applications for the Cashew value chain please click here:

In the livestock value chain, which part of the value chain is considered – processing, production? Is milk also included?

All segments of the cattle, sheep and goat value chains are considered. Milk is also included here.

Is the call open for all segment of the value chains (only production or all other segments as well)?

We are not looking for a specific part of value chain, but rather innovative ideas increasing value of value chains and income, including climate resilience and gender empowerment (also aspects that we look for in technical assessment).

Should the concepts focus on one value chain, or can they be combined e.g. maize together with livestock?

A combination of value chains is possible and very welcome.

Are fodder crop innovations, beyond maize, eligible for the MGF?

Yes, but they need to be use for the targeted  livestock (cattle, sheep or goat). Therefore, the livestock will be the key value chain.

If based in Cote d'Ivoire/Ghana/Cameroon, a project focusing on the cocoa value chain is not eligible. Does this mean that it can't be involved with cocoa in any way at all, or would it be possible to work on the by-products of cocoa pods, e.g.?

Cocoa or cocoa by-products are not eligible in these countries as main value chain. But you can apply for another main value chain and then include cocoa or cocoa by-products as part of your proposal for diversification.

Can I can apply for maize value chain even though it is not our main activity?

Again, this depends. We would be glad to see your concept.

I have a cosmetic company that produces "Goat milk soap”. Am I eligible?

If you come from a OACPS member state and fulfil the eligibility criteria presented in our guidelines, yes you may be eligible to apply.

Can a company from South Africa apply?

Sadly, South Africa is not part of OACPS and therefore would it be great to rather hand in an application for implementation in the other countries planned to implement.

Are we allowed to hand in application for countries we are working in but not based in?

Yes, you can hand in applications for other countries if the countries the activity is taking place in is a OACPS member state.


Please can a private University apply with a research institute?

Sadly, you cannot apply with another research institute. But there is a research grant upcoming by the MOVE-ComCashew project of which you will be informed.

We are an organisation that comprises 3 parts (amongst other cooperatives) and we want to scale-up. Are we eligible to apply?

Farmers and processors are direct actors and are hence eligible to apply. Please keep in mind that this call is not intended to support solely core business but has a technical cooperation character. [MAGG1]

Can an entity that benefited from the previous fund and is eligible apply again?

Unfortunately not.

For those who applied for the first calls but didn't receive the funds, can they still apply?

Yes, you can still apply.

We're a South African aggregating company that just incorporated in about 3 African countries. Will the newly incorporated companies qualify to apply or the parent company in South Africa apply?

South Africa is not part of the OACPS countries. However, if the project takes place fully in an OACPS country then the parent company can apply.

Do we have to apply for value chains that we are already operating in or we can also take up new value chain? We are already operational and are working with small holder farmers in cooperatives. 

You can take up a new VC, we will evaluate a bit your experience in the VC. However, it is not an eligibility criterion. And the VC can only apply if the main operation is in the VC of cocoa, maize, livestock (cattle, goat, and sheep) or cashew.

Can a supply chain solution company that involve in commodity aggregation apply for this grant?

Yes, if it is private entity and the commodity is any of our Value Chains. and also contributes to our technical objectives.
Please check the guidelines, if your company play an active role in the value chains, you may be eligible to apply.


Can a regional centre apply for several sectors? 

As far as consortia are concerned, as a National Research Centre you can be part of a consortium, but you cannot be a lead applicant (processing units, cooperatives and buyers are the groups that have the right to take the lead). But you can partner with them and apply in different value chains if you have the capacity.  

Do you have any opportunity for goat farmers who have not registered as a company? I am eager to go into large numbers of goat rearing. Do you train individuals who are determined to go into goat farming?

You can benefit from our online learning tools and training courses but not for the matching grant fund without formal business registration documents.

Smallholder farmers in livestock and maize production, for this call is it possible to work in both value chains in one concept note, or we have to choose one?

Yes, you can apply for both value chains, we will classify it as one leading value chain, but you only have to submit one concept note.


Finances related questions

Can the minimum 50% contribution of the applicant also be in kind? And would technology or innovation also be considered as contribution?

Yes, that is possible. The contribution can be in cash, kind, innovation, or equipment. But in cannot be in-kind only, there needs to be some cash contribution from the grantee.

Can you give us some examples of "in kind" contributions?

It is a non-monetary contribution e.g., you can work for free in the office of your consortium partner, or you get a training from the consortium partner.

Is there a minimum money amount for projects accepted?

Yes, there is a minimum and maximum money amount for projects being accepted,

Minimum: 40,000 EUR  

Maximum: 100,000 EUR

In which form will GIZ’s contribution be?

We generally work with iDPPs (integrated Development Partnership Projects). There are two different types: 1) Implementation agreements where we finance up to 50% of the total contract value and there is money flow between our organisations. 2) Cooperation agreements in which we also contribute up to 50% of the total contract value but there is no money flow between our organisations but we implement some of the activities ourselves. Financially this makes a difference as 1) we finance up to 50% of every budget line and 2) we would finance different activities. For more information, please refer to the presentation Contract forms and finances.

Would the purchase of livestock come under equipment or other costs?

Livestock can be put under equipment. Please state clearly which equipment.

Will the grant be paid in a single instalment or in instalments? And in which currency?

The grant will be paid in instalments, you will not directly get the full amount.

It will be paid out in local currency.

Is the cost of face-to-face trainings expected to be factored in to grant applications? Is this part of the matching funds to be paid with the funding by the applicant?

Costs must be included in the budget in the concept note / proposal. Depending on the contract format it will either be paid by GIZ or all cost items (including those for trainings) will be split.

Is the maximum subsidy requested to be repaid at the end of the project?

No, the subsidy is to support business links between the players in the value chains indicated. It is not a bank loan and hence does not need to be reimbursed.

Can I enter costs for equipment and capital goods in the budget of my concept note?

Yes, if it is not for the core business of the enterprise but will be used for training or demonstration purposes. Please also read through 4) in Annex 3: Guidelines on costs eligible for reimbursement for more detailed information.

Besides the local currency, Euro and US Dollar are also widely used here. Can we budget in euros?

The Annex 4, Excel template "Working aid budget", allows you to convert the amounts in EURO by entering them in your currency.

Could we use funds to invite an expert from abroad for knowledge exchange e.g. on beekeeping or pollination?

Funds can generally be used for exchanges with experts and for trainers.
Projects on livestock are restricted to cattle, sheep and goat value chains. If beekeeping is part of a project, it must be related to one of the target value chains, e.g. improving pollination in maize value chain.  

If I provide my own land, will it count as my contribution?

Unfortunately not. It can be taken as security but not as contribution.

Can existing equipment used in the project be considered as an in-kind contribution?

Yes, the equipment you wish to propose as an in-kind contribution must be valued using the book value method of depreciation. It is this book value that will be used to estimate the share to be recognized. This process requires fairly precise estimation methods, which are clarified in our guides, but we remain available for any questions you may have.

The working aid excel file is voluntary and doesn’t have to be submitted?

Correct, the working aid Excel is not an obligatory document to be submitted, however you can (to serve as reference).

Can the Solvency Ratio calculation be revisited? 

All assets divided by debts - contracted debts are covered by an organization's assets.


Application process related questions

Can the concept note be sent in Spanish or Portuguese?

Yes, the concept note can be developed in Spanish or Portuguese. The Expert Committee will work in English and French, there are two options for Spanish and Portuguese speakers:

  • Have your concept note professionally translated and note it in your budget. This will be reimbursed by GIZ if your concept note/project is selected
  • Or develop the application in Spanish and Portuguese and then use internet translators for a translation to English (with specification that you did so)

  • Or sent the application in Spanish and Portuguese. We will then translate it to English using internet translators

Can the concept note be sent in a different language e.g. Swahili?

Kindly note, that we cannot accept applications sent in e.g. Swahili. We kindly advise that you use a translator to translate your writing to English. When you submit your application, please mention to us that you have used a translator e.g., “Swahili<->English”. We will consider this when looking through your concept note.

Can an organization submit more than one project?

Yes, if the organization is involved in more than one of the targeted value chains.

Is the fund open to companies that are new to the agriculture sector and have no particular experience in any of the value chains?

The experience in the value chain does not matter, the experience of the company matters. However, the concept note of course has to target at least one of the eligible value chains.

Is it possible for only the lead applicant to show the tax proof?

Yes, because the contract will only be with the lead applicant according to the MOU.

If you have 2 offices, for instance one is based in Kenya and the other in Ethiopia, could we apply for different value chains like maize and livestock for the two countries and ask for different funding?

Yes, you can apply for different value chains either in one of the countries or both countries. Please look at the possibility to build consortium if alone you don’t have capacity.

I saw that the project focus should be on: Climate resilience, strengthening women & youth and increasing income. Would a project focusing on 1-2 of such pillars be eligible? (For instance with a greater social focus rather environmental)

Yes, in the concept note template you will see all the indicators and the more you can fill them the better your chances to be preselected.

Is the fund based on merit or evaluation criteria?

The evaluation criteria can be found in the guidelines and include the type of firm, the technical concept and budget that you hand in. Don’t be afraid if budget not yet perfect. Use the guidelines as main source of orientation.

Is there a particular page limit for the concept note to be submitted?

Yes! The different sections of the concept note template are limited by default in the number of characters. Please download the concept note-form from the websites and you will be guided.


Eligible institutions related questions

Is it mandatory to have an experience with GIZ to be eligible?

No, it is not mandatory to have past working experience with GIZ to be eligible.

Can you kindly specify the type of financial institutions that can be part of this funding?

Financial institution are not eligible to apply for fund in this call.

Is a training structure/institution eligible?

Training structures/institutions can join forces with cooperatives or private companies to form a consortium and apply for the fund.

They can also be service providers, e.g. Master Trainers and Trainers tend to fall into the service provider category.

An organization for which the core business is not one of the value chains, but they support farmers from these value chains, can they still apply?

Farmers organization in the target value chains can take the lead for application and be supported by a company in a consortium. The company as consortium partner should contribute in cash and/or kind.  

Is there restrictions for companies in terms of years of existence? What about start-ups and small companies?

There is no restriction, however applicants should be able to provide at least records of 2 years tax payments or if it’s a startup with tax exemption. The latter must be proven.
As a start-up or a very small institution, you can show us a sound financial system, but before that you need to inform us. You can also form a consortium with a bigger company.

Can I individually apply for the MGF?

We strongly encourage applications from applicants who apply in a consortium and will only in exceptional cases consider single applicant applications

Can you apply on behalf of a slaughterhouse for livestock?

It is possible since the livestock is part of the eligible value chains.  

Is a registered cocoa trading company in Europe (Germany) with operations in Africa but not a registered office in any African country eligible to apply for the fund?

In general, this is possible.  
However, please be aware that Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon are not eligible for cocoa since there is the Sustainable Cocoa Initiative in place.

Can a Community Based Organization (CBO) apply if it is registered?

If your Community Based Organization (CBO) is a registered Farmers’ organization you can apply in partnership with other public or private organizations to build a consortium.

Can a private structure offering support services to SMEs apply to the MGF for the benefit of the beneficiaries of its services?

Lead applicants can be: a processing company, an agricultural producers' organization, or a national or international distributor. If you fall into one of these categories, you can apply directly.

But if you are a business development support structure, you can be a consortium partner with one of the lead entities submitting the concept note.

What qualifies an NGO to access this grant?

An NGO can be part of a consortium with one lead applicant (possible lead applicants: processing company, producer organization or off-taker of the VC project).

What is a private sector foundation?

It is an umbrella of many value chain associations at regional or continental level.

Can a single research institute win more than one grant, i.e, working on both cocoa and cashew?

Yes, it's possible to apply for both if you have capacity.

However, the lead entity must be a private sector entity: These are legally registered private sector entities such as
• Processing companies
• Agricultural producer organisations
• Off-takers of the main final product of the value chain and/or its by-products.

Coming from a public sector, can one apply for the matching grant?

Yes, you need to enter into consortium with a private sector entity - and you as public sector organisation may come in as consortium partner. Please see again in the guideline on the eligibility and requirements towards consortium partners.

Do aggregators that find markets for farmers qualify?

Yes, please read more in the guideline on the eligibility and requirements for consortium partner.

If a public company is into processing or production of agricultural produce, can this public company apply?

A public company cannot be a lead applicant but can be part of a consortium with a private partner as lead applicant.

We are into packaging processing and also exporting of raw material, but we are a small-scale enterprise with little funds. Can we apply?

Yes, you can apply together with other consortium partners. Please read the guidelines for applications for other eligibility criteria.

We provide income financing, are we eligible?

Unfortunately, no.

Can aggregators be lead applicants?

Yes, please check our websites and especially the guidelines for further eligibility criteria.


Consortia related questions

What conditions must a consortium member meet?

The consortium member must make a contribution in kind or in cash. They must also be legally registered. Please find all necessary requirements in the guideline for application.

Is it possible to have consortia with someone from the private sector from neighboring countries?

Yes, this is possible. We also advise to bring on board national enterprises.

Some consortia don't have a homepage. Can they still apply?

Consortium means there is one lead applicant. A website is optional, for the assessing person to see what you are doing. However, email is a must. Also, the legal registration is important; a clear document that you are legally registered in your country. Otherwise, we won’t be able to work with you.

The consortium lead is formal, but can one of the partners in the consortium be informal (e.g. a cocoa cluster of stakeholders along a value chain)?

Yes, this is possible.

Can an organization be member of the consortium in more than one project?

Yes, but it of course depends on the capacity of the organization. The best is to focus.

Is it possible for a consortium to apply for the MGF if it does not include the organizations listed in the lead applicant's proposal?

No, it is not possible. The consortium shall include one of the lead applicant (Processing company, Agricultural producer organization, Farmers organization), Off-takers of the main final product of the value chain and/or its by-products.

Is it possible for the consortium to be made up solely of SMEs?

Yes, the consortium can be made up solely of SMEs if it is an SME organization with a consistent annual turnover of at least twice the amount of the MGF contract requested.

Is there a maximum number of partners in a consortium?

A sensible amount - we usually expect 2-3 partners.

How can I have a government institution like a school be part of the consortia as they cannot financially contribute to the project?

They can contribute with personnel, expertise etc. Moreover, please be aware that the contribution can be in kind not only in cash.

Could a research center from South Africa producing certified maize seed be part of a consortium and what would be the maximum of GIZ funds that can be received?

As South Africa is no longer an OACPS member state, the research center can only be part of the consortium if the beneficiaries of the project are based in an OACPS member state.

If the consortium partner is from another OACPS countries, do we fall under the EUR 40k or EUR 100k case?

In this case you can apply for the money amount:

Minimum: 40,000 EUR  

Maximum: 100,000 EUR

Can the local GIZ be part of a consortia?

The local GIZ cannot participate as a partner in the consortia. ABF would need to collaborate with projects in the green sector to monitor project implementation.

How can a consortium partner like NGOs benefit from the fund at the implementation stage?

We are happy to have NGOs involved. NGOs might be needed as service provider to support implementation of certain activities. However, this is of course up to the applying partners to integrate in their activities.

They can also be consortium partners. The funds will be disbursed to the lead applicant and further distributed between the consortium parties.


We are already in a consortium with 9 companies, do we have to find another company for the consortium, or can we apply just as we are?

If you are registered at the consortium level, then you don’t have to find a new consortium member.

If I am alone (not in a consortium) what can I do to still apply?

Please, think about what you want to do and with whom you want to do it, e.g. farmer groups, cooperatives. Then best contact some in your country or region and form a consortium.

As an input supplier can we be a service provider?

Yes, an input supplier can be a service provider. Depending on the nature of the project you might also be eligible as a consortium partner.

Can a processing facility be counted as a contribution from a consortium partner?

A processing facility can be accounted for in terms of depreciation rates for the 18 months, however please keep in mind that each budget line will be divided by shares between the consortium and GIZ. Within the consortium share, the consortium can decide who finances which budget line but lead applicant has to account for it. Generally, equipment should not be higher than 30% of the contract value or 50,000 EUR.


Can a lead partner be a member of several consortia?    

Yes, if eligible. However, in the interests of fairness, it will be difficult for the same lead partner to be awarded several projects at the same time.

If I've understood correctly, a non-governmental organization can't be a lead applicant?  

Yes, that's right. But it can be part of a consortium.

Can a young person with an innovative idea and no formalized company be a partner in a consortium?      

All consortia partners must be formalized, you can't be a consortium member as a private person, sorry.


Human capacity development (face-to-face, blended, online) related questions

How will you establish contact with the master trainers?

Master trainers will play a major role. ABF has a large network of master trainers who will be able to offer their services for training courses within the framework of a project.

What method should be used for large-scale training?

Large-scale implementation is possible for both self-paced online training and face-to-face training.

The e-learning is free of charge and can also be implemented with an offline solution (which comes at low costs). Our FBS and PBS face-to-face trainings are suitable for large-scale implementation, which is more cost-effective.  For face-to-face training, master trainers train trainers who, in turn, train farmers. Materials are relatively inexpensive. For example, for implementation at less than 5,000 farmers, FBS costs around $18-20 per farmer trained. See also our fact sheets in the download section.

You can also consider a blended learning approach.

When will the e-learning courses in Portuguese be available?

We are continously translating selected e-learning courses in Portuguese. For example, our Business Model Canvas course is already available in Portuguese.

Our company has already set up a training center and equipped it with computers. Can we run digital training courses there, and are the courses accessible to all?

On the atingi training platform, our Agribusiness e-Academy training materials are accessible to all and can be consulted freely if an internet connection is established. Use of the online offer is not restricted to participants in the MGF call for concept notes. For offline use in the field, an atingi-box can also be used.

Do I understand correctly that you can incorporate the atingi trainings in your concept notes?

For offline use in the field, you can also integrate the “atingi-box” into your concept note.

Can you also apply for a specific technical training e.g. for improving a cocoa product?

Yes. Technical and entrepreneurship trainings (face-to-face and online) will be provided during the proposal implementation if you are finally selected to receive the MGF and have incorporated it before in your concept note. Costs must be included in the budget of your concept note. Master Trainers will support you in the training implementation as service providers.

It is highly encouraged to combine technical and business trainings as this is more effective in terms of value chain development.

Is it possible to customize training approaches (face-to-face and online) and adapt them to the specific context?

It depends on the training approach. GmBS+ is rather generic with no specific adaptations, while curricula of FBS, PBS and CBS are adapted to the context. The ABF-team will support you on the customization of materials.
E-learning courses can be taken up by partners – they can be altered as long as the basic info remains the same and as long as they are not promoted / offered as paid product.

For the online trainings: ⁃ how high-tech of a device is required to use it? ⁃ Is literacy required for the course? Is it accessible without reading, via audio?

A standard smartphone, tablet or desktop computer is needed. And a certain digital literacy level is definitely needed. Our 3D animated courses are more visually based but those require reading skills as well, e.g., for the quiz elements.

If an applicant already has training content proven to achieve similar impacts, can the applicant continue working with those approaches within the MGF project or is it mandatory to implement the ABF-trainings?

Applicants can also include their technical and entrepreneurial human capacity development trainings in the concept notes.

Are the trainings going to take place physically or virtually in the respective participating countries?

ABF offers both various face-to-face training offers and online learning offers through various self-tutored and self-paced web-based trainings through the Agribusiness e-Academy

Is the amount stated in the presentation the fee to be paid to participate?

No! The participants are not required to make any payment. You would have to include the total cost of the whole implementation including training in the budget.

Is there any training on other sectors like livestock?

These trainings can be adapted per your context and value chains.

Is there a trainers of trainer courses on the platform or is it designed for direct learners?

Most of our courses on the Atingi platform are self-tutored and more of a direct learner approach. Of course, courses are also available for trainers rather as a knowledge refresher who multiply knowledge further.

Training of trainers (ToT) are currently held fully in person, especially due to a strong focus on didactics which are difficult to disseminate in online courses.

Is it possible to take into account several of your proposed interventions in the project?

My answer would be that the types of training to be included in your project depend on the value chain, your objectives and your target groups. But 2 types of training are mandatory when you're in the primary production segment. These are good agricultural practices and entrepreneurship. More details in our document on Competitive Matching Fund Guidelines which can be downloaded from our websites.

How will ABF help new entities that need support? 

ABF will provide advisory support. We will be present at all stages, whether through the training of experts as part of capacity development or through our network of Master Trainers. The consultancy support will consist of an initial discussion with the programme as part of a strategic clarification to find out who your targets are, and then a discussion in terms of innovations to find out what the project brings to the beneficiary of the training. We will then advise on the budget, the training manual, post-training monitoring tools and economic analyses. All the networks of practitioners will be made available to the project to facilitate the implementation of the training.

In addition to training, is there a possibility of introducing other crops than cashew that could be resilient to climate change?  

There are different crops that can be associated with cashew nuts, such as maize, which is used for soil maintenance and also for certain water control and management activities through drip irrigation methods that can be integrated into the plantation. We also have integrated pest management which can be integrated.  

What's in the FBS Climate approach? 

The Climate FBS is an adapted version of the FBS with aspects related to climate change. You can refer to the Climate FBS in relation to the different specific Value Chains. This information may relate to the soil, good agricultural practices, the varieties to be offered and the financing of these different activities.  

After the training, will the women be supported to improve the businesses?

There are post training support offered.


Gender related questions

If we have several women's groups, is it possible to carry out several types of activities within the framework of this project?

You can take inspiration from the different approaches and activities presented during the capacity-building presentation and include them in your contexts for women, young people and others.

It's also important to note that you need to clearly define the target group and the challenges it faces in the Value Chain, as well as the activities to be implemented for the project to run smoothly.

Is gender training available?    

Yes, if your project is selected with a contract, it is possible to consider support actions, particularly on gender issues.

It is also possible, if there are beneficiaries in the cashew value chain or agribusiness training courses that take gender issues into account.

If possible, I'd like to come back to the Do No Harm principle to get more explanation about the risk analysis tool in a development project with the Reach, Benefit and Empower principle.  

A contribution on the theme of Do no harm.

We've been involved in situations where women have separated from their spouses after being empowered. Good practice in this case is that the husband must be involved in the empowerment project otherwise there may be disfunction in the household. Another example is that a partner came to work with the women on a project, but when he wanted to plant the crops, the men didn't give plots because they weren't included or involved in the project. This created a conflict between men and women in the community.


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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ABF / GIZ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

The Joint Action is jointly co-financed by the European Union under the Samoa agreement with OACPS and by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.

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